Homegrown Midwifery
Do you do hospital births as well?
No, I do not do hospital births. I am a licensed and certified professional midwife, therefore I do not have hospital privilages. I am soley a home birth midwife. If you are interested in having a Midwife for your hospital birth please read my resources page for recommendations and contact info.
Frequently Asked Questions (not yet answered in my website)
Do you work with other Midwives?
Yes! The midwives in our area are all very community oriented and strive to help and back up each other whenever possible, which is why I love our group of midwives! I actively work with an apprentice too who comes to births as both a second pair of hands and a student. If I feel the need to have additional midwives there or I have a particular busy month there is the chance of an additional midwife and I will try to incorporate her into appointments if at all possible.
Do you take people late to care, what is the fee then?
I can and have before, however, because there are usually only a few mamas I take a month that makes it less likely that I can. It is best to find a provider/midwife you like as soon as possible so you have enough time to make a good connection with them. That being said some of my most fond clients are late to care!! I do not give discounts if you come late to care either as it is sometimes more paperwork and time consumed getting everything ready before mama births. I also do more frequent appointments as well to feel connected and comfortable with one another.
Do you have a back up doctor?
Unfortunately no, there are not any doctors currently willing to back up a home birth midwife in our area. Although this would be preferable and be best for mamas, many doctors cannot due to liabilities. During our initial interview, we can go over options as far as hospital preferences.
Are home births messy?
Not any more then children are! A few weeks before your due date you would need to order a birth kit which has all the disposable supplies needed. We recommend a sandwich technique which involves your normal sheets, a waterproof liner such as a shower curtain or waterproof table cloth above them, and a fitted sheet of a light color you don't mind getting messy on top to birth on which is later removed revealing clean sheets to sleep in afterwards. There are smaller absorbant disposable sheets in your birth kit that get tossed as needed. Afterwards we clean up any residual messes while you are bonding with your newborn. Its not at all the horrific scene most people imagine.
How does the birth certificate get filed?
I file the birth certificate within the first week after baby is born. With the birth certificate the social security is also requested. If the parents are not married at the time of birth an additional certified form is needed to give the father rights and responsibility for the newborn. If the mother is on medicaid, I file a form to get baby into the system and covered as well.
Am I missing some questions? Feel free to contact me by email or phone to ask or suggest additional questions!