Homegrown Midwifery
Community education is a passion of mine, as larger cities routinely offer classes such as these I have made it my mission to bring our little city more options as far as education and information. If you have a request for classes not already offered, please feel free to send me and email with your ideas! Check out the calendar of events and classes for dates and times! If you have a group interested email me for discounted price!

I offer 4-6 week courses in either one on one or group settings. See my Child Birth Class page for more details!
Meet a placenta, learn its features, and explore the placenta options available to you postpartum including meeting a placenta encapsulation specialist and how to make a placenta print!
Cloth Diapering:101
Don't be intimidated by cloth diapering! There are so many options available that anyone can do it! Learn the very basics, what to get where, how to wash, and learn some diaper lingo!
Have you had a previous cesarean and are considering opting for a vaginal birth? Visit the ICAN of Southern NM page and get informed on your options, risks, and benefits to trial of labor and VBAC and upcoming events and talks.
Babywearing 101
Ever been interested in "wearing" your newborn but don't know where to start? Come to a Desert Babywearers monthly meeting to learn the benefits of babywearing as well as the basic types of wraps and carriers.